Outdoor Service Guides is in the final stages of editing the new Pathfinder Handbook. Although the book is not yet complete, the Pathfinder Handbook Committee has decided to release three vital chapters of the new handbook immediately so current scouts may enjoy the new Pathfinder program as soon as possible.
The new Chapters 26, 27, and 28 of the OSG PATHFINDER HANDBOOK • 4TH EDITION (PREVIEW JUNE 2022), will replace pages 87-120 in the BPSA-US Pathfinder Handbook (3rd Edition, Revision 2.2, August 2014). Pathfinders should keep their current handbook, as they will need the text for reference and guidance for your progress in Tenderfoot and Second Class.
Please note: Once the new, revised handbook is complete, these new chapters will be merged with the complete handbook and both the chapter numbers and page numbers may be updated.
The new chapters here represent and entirely revised program for special proficiency badges and advanced awards. There are 101 new special proficiency badges in both familiar subjects as well as brand new skills. There are now special interest pins to show your area(s) of focus. In addition, there are slightly updated requirements for First Class, as well as three other, parallel, Pillar Awards that you can earn. Finally, OSG has created a new pinnacle award called the Polaris Award.
See your Scoutmaster to discuss how any current progress you have made toward proficiency badges or awards can be transferred to the new badges.
The Pathfinder Handbook Committee wants feedback! Please send email to pathfinder@osg-us.org if you have any concerns, questions, or recommendations for the Pathfinder program or handbook.
You may preview the document and download the file below.
This page last updated on June 14, 2022 | 10:21 pm