Community Levels from CDC, revised mask guidance
POSTED 3/8/2022 1:40pm
Scout leaders have reviewed new guidance from the CDC, and we are again updating our 64th Brandywine Pandemic Personal Protection Protocols (4P).
The CDC has created new “Community Level” gauge that help us understand and respond with appropriate protection measures. These are based on several factors and may rise or fall depending on the local transmission of COVID-19. You can find the current published Community Level here:
As a result of the new recommendations, the 64th Brandywine is revising our masking policy.
- Anyone may choose to wear a mask at any time. No one will ever be prevented from wearing a mask.
- Outdoor activities no longer require a mask.
- Depending on the Community Level, indoor activities may require masking. [Community Level in these guidelines will be determined by the home counties (e.g., Chester, Lancaster, New Castle, etc.) of our scout members by section. If the CDC-determined Community Level is different in any of our home counties, the highest level will be used as our metric.]
- If the Community Level is Low, indoor activities will no longer require a mask.
- If Community Level is High, indoor activities will require a well-fitted, N95- or KN95-style mask.
- If Community Level is Medium, scout leaders may request masking indoors, but will not require it.
- Scouts will always follow the local policies for masking when visiting parks, museums, or other private and public locations. Scouts should come with a mask and be prepared to wear it if necessary.
As in previous guidance, anyone with symptoms or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should test for COVID-19; and, if test result is positive, the individual should remain isolated for at least 5 days. If test result is negative, the participant may resume activities immediately (or when feeling better).
We are looking forward to seeing your smile!
Update: Revised guidelines for activities
POSTED 2/7/2022 1:15p
The 64th Brandywine Board met in January has again updated our 64th Brandywine Pandemic Personal Protection Protocols (4P) to reflect new guidance from federal and state public health authorities.
Details are as follows:
- When scout meeting or activities are indoors, we strongly encourage participants to wear an N95, KN95, or KN94 mask or equivalent. These types of masks show the highest effectiveness in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. New disease variants are highly transmissible, and upgrading your mask will keep us all safer. When possible, scout leaders will bring extra masks to indoor activities.
- The isolation period for positive cases or exposures has been reduced to 5 days, to reflect the current CDC guidance.
If you have any questions about our rules and guidelines, please let your leader or the Group Scoutmaster know.
Update: Return to in-person scouting
POSTED 5/17/2021 11:45a
Thanks to decreasing COVID-19 numbers and relaxed state mandates, the 64th Brandywine intends to return to in-person scouting activities at the beginning of June.
We have updated our 64th Brandywine Pandemic Personal Protection Protocols (4P) to reflect some new guidance from federal and state public health authorities. Scout and volunteer participant safety is our highest concern, so we are taking a conservative approach in our planning for activities.
Please note the following continuing guidelines:
- All meetings and activities will continue to be outdoors only.
- All activities will be “section-only,” i.e. Otter, Timberwolf, and Pathfinder activities will be kept separate to keep groups small
- Scouts and leaders should continue to wear appropriate face coverings at all activities.
- Handwashing and/or hand sanitizing will be available at all activities
- Participants will be asked to sign in and self-screen for COVID symptoms.
- Scouts who live in different states/counties are welcome at activities (no travel restrictions).
- Carpooling or ride sharing is encouraged as long as participants are vaccinated.
Please watch your email for communications from your section leaders about summer schedules.
Update: New guidelines for activities, stay-at-home advisory in effect
POSTED 11/24/2020 1:15p
As we approach the holiday season, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has announced new efforts to control the spread of COVID-19. With the increase in cases, there are stricter guidelines about travel and activities for all Pennsylvanians. You can read the newest information here:
The guidelines published on November 23 include a “stay-at-home” advisory that remains in effect until January 4, 2021.
Scout leaders have decided that, in order to comply with the new mandates and respect the health and safety of all our members, we will suspend all in-person scout group activities for the duration of this advisory.
We hope to resume in-person activities in the new year, but we will closely follow the state and county health department advice. Please watch for emails from your section leaders with opportunities for virtual activities. If you have any suggestions, we would love the hear them! Virtual games, at-home badge work, or live crafts, we are ready to help.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding! We hope very much to see you soon.
Update: Scout activities to resume in October
POSTED 9/28/2020 9:00a
Scout leaders have been working on plans to resume in-person scouting activities in October 2020. The 64th Brandywine has developed a document to codify precautions and provide rules for operations.
64th Brandywine Pandemic Personal Protection Protocols (4P)
The document will be reviewed and updated regularly based on information from local health departments and to address issues that arise during activities. Scout members should review the protocols regularly to make sure they are in compliance at all events. Please see your section leaders or the Group Scoutmaster if you have any questions or concerns.
Update: Scout activities and events postponed indefinitely
POSTED 04/09/2020 1:30p
The state of Pennsylvania has closed all non-life-sustaining businesses and continues to enforce a stay-at-home order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Today we learned that the Governor has extended the school closures until the end of the academic year.
The 64th Brandywine will continue to postpone all in-person scouting activities until further notice. Leaders will monitor the news and government sources to evaluate when it will be safe to resume our group meetings and adventures.
Please watch your email and social media for some enrichment activities for your scouts to enjoy at home. Leaders have been making videos for YouTube, and may try to schedule some online meetings. We are available via email, phone, and text, and will continue to award badges and recognize your scout’s achievements for their skills.
The BPSA-US has a special group called the 1st Lone Scouts, who are independent individual scouts who do not have enough members nearby geographically to support a full group. This pandemic has made us all into Lone Scouts!
Update: In-person scouting activities cancelled through April 19
POSTED 03/25/2020 11:30a
As Governor Wolf has extended mandatory school shutdowns, and the local school districts have adjusted their schedules, the 64th Brandywine will be extending our cancellations as well. All in-person scouting activities will now be cancelled until at least April 19, 2020.
Unfortunately, this includes our previously scheduled spring campout on April 17-19. Leaders are working to organize some sort of virtual activity for your scouts. Watch your email and social media for details.
We hope you are spending some time outdoors. We can still use local trails and walk/bike throughout our own neighborhoods while we maintain a social distance from others to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
If you have any questions, or you or your scouts just want to chat, please give me a call or text. Our leaders are happy to evaluate scouts on their skills for badges via audio or video calls; so if the kids are restless, look to your scouts’ handbooks for inspiration.
Thank you for your patience and encouragement. I know many of us are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, but I also know that we will see each other again in person sometime soon.
COVID-19 Update: Scouting activities suspended
POSTED 03/13/2020 4:30p
The 64th Brandywine has been carefully monitoring the fast-moving COVID-19 updates from our constituent school districts. Several districts moved to cancel all extracurricular activities last night, and then today we learned that ALL Pennsylvania schools will be closing for a period of two weeks beginning on Monday.
Thus, in accordance with our own COVID-19 Action Plan, and as recommended by the BPSA-US Chief Commissioner, 64th Brandywine will be suspending all in-person scouting activities for a period of AT LEAST 14 days. This includes all meetings, campouts, and other activities. This shifts us into the highest phase of our emergency response plan.
It is a difficult decision, but it is essential for public safety that we follow the guidelines provided by the county health department.
Please watch your email from updates from me and your section leaders. We will also be posting updates on our website and Facebook page. We are hoping to offer some creative ideas for your scouts to continue to work on their skills and to keep them busy while we are safely at home.
I am sure you have all seen the reminders about washing your hands and social distancing. So I will share a few articles Scoutmaster Jeff found about how to reassure your children during this difficult time.
Talking with children about Coronavirus Disease 2019
Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus
COVID-19 Action Plan
POSTED 03/12/2020 11:30a
64th Brandywine leaders have recently discussed our group’s plan for COVID-19 preparedness. The health and safety of our scouts and families is our highest priority.
The 64th Brandywine has developed a plan that adapts the 4-Phase Action Plan that you have probably received from your own school districts. These plans were developed with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, PA Department of Health, and the Chester County Health Department. We have added our own COVID-19 policy to the steps below.
Phase 1: No confirmed case in PA
Schools open
64th Brandywine: Activities/meetings as usual
Phase 2: Confirmed case(s) in PA (CURRENT STATUS)
Schools open, some activities limited
64th Brandywine: Activities/meetings as usual, additional instruction on personal hygiene in meetings
Phase 3: Confirmed case(s) in Chester County
Schools open, all other extracurricular activities cancelled
64th Brandywine: Indoor activities cancelled, outdoor activities continue
Phase 4: Confirmed widespread case(s) in county, or confirmed case(s) in school district
Schools closed, transition to distance learning/online instruction
64th Brandywine: In-person activities cancelled, leaders transition to online and independent scouting activities
The 64th Brandywine leadership will monitor the status of ALL of our constituent school districts: Oxford Area, Octorara, Avon Grove, Unionville/Chadds Ford, and Kennett Consolidated. To be cautious, if any ONE of our school districts moves to a new phase, the 64th Brandywine plan will shift immediately to that new heightened status as well.
Leaders will be in contact with you via email to let you know when we have shifted to a new phase. You may also receive a recorded telephone call if immediate events/activities are affected. We will continue to update social media and our website,
Please continue to monitor your own local school’s information, as well as the information that can be found at the following sources.
Chester County Health Department
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Group Scoutmaster directly or your section leader.
This page last updated on March 8, 2022 | 1:48 pm